Fine Art short animated film.
'Canaan' is based around an 18th Century coal mining community in England.

Inspired by the writings of D H Lawrence and Émile Zola. 'Canaan' explores the romanticism associated with the coal mining industry. The landscape and machinery represented in the film, including a horse gin (or whim-gin), are based on machinery observed first hand.

Primeiro Filme at Cinanima, Festival Internacional de Cinema de Animação de Espinho, Portugal.
Best Short Film: Kromeriz (Czech Republic).

Media: Back-lit oil paintings, animated on glass, using various brushes, palette knives and over 20,000 cotton buds.

Original format: 16mm film, shot with a Bolex camera, rostrum stand and up to five 150 watt light bulbs.

Duration: 8 minutes 8 seconds.